35 top attractions in Northern Ireland


A corner of the British Isles with rugged yet beautiful landscapes. The cultural and natural sights of Northern Ireland attract many tourists, and unusual, mystical places receive a lot of attention. There are many ancient legends near the natural monument "The Road of Giants", and ghosts, the souls of prisoners who died many years ago, walk along the corridors of the Crumlin Road prison.

In addition to the ancient castles that are abundant in many European countries, it is worth visiting places typical only for Ireland. Belfast is the city where the famous Titanic was built. Now on the site of the old shipyard there is a museum. The Bushmills Distillery is definitely worth a visit, the world's first distillery to produce the famous Irish drink.

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What to see in Northern Ireland?

The most interesting and beautiful places to visit, photos and a short description.

City Hall in Belfast

Located in Donegal Square in the city center. The grandiose Victorian structure was built in 1906. The shiny copper dome rises to a height of 53 meters. Below it is the Whispering Gallery. The word spoken even in a whisper is perfectly audible against the opposite wall. Several types of marble were used to decorate the lobby and the main staircase. The volumetric stained-glass windows depict events from the life of the city.

Giants road

Natural monument formed by 40,000 basalt columns. The highest of them is 12 meters high. According to scientists, the natural monument was formed as a result of volcanic eruptions 50-60 million years ago. However, according to the legends of local residents, these are the remains of the bridge, which was destroyed by the fleeing monster Goll. Columns of the Giant's Causeway are a UNESCO site and one of the most popular tourist destinations.

Titanic Belfast

A museum complex based on the site of the shipyard where the infamous Titanic was built. The museum building is 38 meters high and is made in the shape of a ship. Inside is an incredibly replica of the Titanic's grand staircase. You can inspect the captain's bridge and visit the engine room. The museum's interactive exhibits tell the story of the Titanic, from its construction and launch to its wreck.

Crumlin Road Prison (Belfast)

Built in 1846 and for 150 years it held prisoners on death row. The building is located opposite the court, where the verdict was passed. There is a tunnel between the court and the prison to transport criminals. Currently, the corridors of the prison and cells are available for inspection by visitors. It is said that visiting a prison requires strong nerves, as many prisoners have returned here in the form of ghosts.


A suspended cable bridge was constantly built in this place by local fish to get to the small island during the salmon migration period. Until 1970, the bridge had a handrail on only one side. One careless move could cost life. Later, the design was improved, made it safer. Today, the bridge is a popular tourist attraction, with about 500,000 people crossing it a year.

Dark alley

The beech alley is already 250 years old. She was dropped off by the Steerd family to decorate the road to their mansion. The tree crowns during this time, under the influence of the wind, intertwined with each other, forming a tunnel. Experienced photographers advise to come here in cloudy weather or at sunset - this way you can better appreciate all the mystery and mystery of this place and make a magnificent mystical shot.

Temple of Massenden

A small rotunda built on the edge of a steep rocky coast in 1875. The first owner of the pavilion used the premises as a library. To carefully store books and prevent them from spoiling from moisture, a fire was lit in the basement and dry heat was supplied through hidden air ducts. The building was called the temple because of its architecture, similar to the Italian temple of Vesta. The entrance to the temple is free for tourists.

Benone Beach

Popular with tourists and locals at any time of the year. A clean beach with good infrastructure was awarded the Blue Flag for a reason. The beach is over 10 km long. Smooth entry into the water, soft and fine sand is especially appreciated by vacationers with small children. Various events are often held on Benone Beach. There are entertainment complexes, children's attractions, tennis courts and a golf course.

Belfast Castle

Built in the 19th century on a mountainside. This gives tourists the opportunity to view the city of Belfast from a height of 120 meters. Initially, the castle was located within the city, but after a fire in the 18th century, the Chichester dynasty decided to build a castle among the picturesque mountains. At the end of the 20th century, the castle underwent a major reconstruction. Now it is popular both just for sightseeing by tourists and for holding festive events in it.

Dunluce Castle (Portrush)

The ruins of a medieval castle are located a few kilometers from the town of Portas. The castle was built on a basalt rock 30 meters high. Most of the monument of historical architecture was erected in the XVI-XVII centuries. There is an assumption that the two towers of the castle were erected earlier - in the XIV century. There are many tragic legends about the building, and the Led Zeppelin group used a photo of the castle in the design of the cover of their album.

Derry city walls

They were built around the historic center of the city at the beginning of the 15th century. The walls are about 1 mile long and 10 meters thick. The medieval wall with bastions and ramparts has been well preserved to this day. For the passage behind the walls in the Middle Ages, gates were made - Ship, Episcopal, Myasnitsky, and Ferry. In the 19th century, three more gates were added to them - Castle, Arsenal and New gates.

Belfast Botanical Garden

Opened in 1840 and covers an area of ​​11 hectares. The garden was designed by the famous Northern Ireland architect Charles Lanyon. A feature of the park is the Palm House greenhouse. It has a unique tropical climate zone. The attraction is the lily, which has blossomed after 23 years of waiting. Popular performers often perform on the territory of the botanical garden, for example, the world famous group U-2.

Belfast Zoo

The location on the side of the mountain allows the inhabitants of the zoo to live in a unique and tranquil environment. There are 1,400 animals of 120 different species in the zoo, and their number increases annually not only due to the acquisition of new inhabitants, but also due to the obtaining of offspring. About 90 newborn cubs of different species appear per year, this indicates good living conditions for animals.

Ulster Museum (Belfast)

Located on the territory of the botanical garden. Covers an area of ​​8000 m². One of the largest museums in Ireland. The theme of the museum is the natural history of Ireland. The impressive zoological collection of exhibits consists of mammals, birds and insects. She is proud of the Triceratops skeleton. There are expositions of archeology and ethnography, as well as a large number of publications and manuscripts on the main topics of the museum.

Ulster Folklore and Transport Museum

It is considered one of the most visited museums in Northern Ireland. Received the title of "Museum of the Year". The folklore museum clearly shows the rural way of life - old buildings are collected, each of which has its own purpose - a farm, a stable, places for demonstrating folk crafts. The Transport Museum tells about the history and modes of transport in the region. Steam locomotives, ships, carriages, bicycles and public transport are presented.

Ulster American Folk Park

An open-air museum, the expositions of which tell about the life of emigrants who voluntarily left or were exiled to North America. It houses about 30 old buildings, some of them are original structures of the 18th century. There are reconstructed houses of settlers, a bishop's house, a smithy, churches, a school. Celebrations are organized here on popular American holidays. Hundreds of people visit them.

Bushmills Distillery

The oldest distillery in Ireland and, according to some sources, around the world. Located in County Antrim. Whiskey production began here in 1608. The Bushmills Distillery is visited by over 100,000 people a year. Visitors can get acquainted with the history of production and all its stages. For them, excursions with tasting of the drink are conducted. The distillery produces two varieties - blended whiskey and single malt.

Parliament building Stormont

The seat of the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Branch. A separate building for local authorities appeared in 1932. The architecture uses the style of neoclassicism - simple forms, laconic facade without decorations, lack of decor. The central facade of the austere building is decorated only with columns. Near the building in the year of its opening, a monument to the famous politician Edward Carson was erected.

Derry Town Hall

Located in the historic center of the city near the City Walls. The building in the neo-Gothic style was built in 1890, it was subsequently badly damaged by fire, and then by a bomb explosion during the Time of Troubles. By now, the Town Hall has been restored, and the interior has been significantly updated. Among other things, the pride and decoration of the Town Hall were replaced by beautiful stained-glass windows. A four-sided large clock is installed on the high tower of the Town Hall.

Peace Bridge (Derry)

The pedestrian bridge opened in 2011. Its name is not accidental. The creation of the bridge symbolizes peace between the Protestant and Catholic communities living on different banks of the river. The bridge stretches from St. Columbus Park to Guildhall. It is 235 meters long and has an unusual curved shape. From it you can clearly see the part of the city located on a hill, as well as the buildings of the Protestant cathedral, the stock exchange and the college.

Grand Opera House (Belfast)

An unusual example of architecture for Europe with oriental elements. The building was designed by Frank Mitchum. The theater was built at the beginning of the 20th century. In 2006, the interior was rebuilt to meet modern needs - the main stage and auditorium were expanded, a small stage was added, and the restaurant was equipped. On the stage of the theater, they stage musicals, comedy and drama performances, as well as various events.

Queens University (Belfast)

In 1849, an educational institution was opened with the name "King's College Belfast", which later received the status of a university. Located in a building of classical English architecture, designed by Charles Lanyon. The appearance of the building has remained virtually unchanged since its construction. The university employs almost 4,000 people, of which more than 2,000 are research workers.

St Anne's Cathedral (Belfast)

Cathedral in downtown Belfast. The construction of the magnificent building was completed in 1904. The architecture of the building combines Romanesque style and classic Irish motives. During the war years, the cathedral was badly damaged by bombing. Parishioners collected money for the restoration. Tourists will be interested in beautiful stained-glass windows in the windows of the cathedral and organ concerts. Divine services are held every day.

Cathedral of Saint Columba (Derry)

Opened in 1633. The initiative for the construction came from King James I, who decided that in the new County of Londonderry, the first building to be built should be a cathedral. A tray and a silver bowl were delivered to the cathedral as a gift from the London Irish community. The bowl is still used in the cathedral. The building style is Gothic. In 1776, a large-scale reconstruction of the cathedral began, which ended only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Inch Abbey (Downpatrick)

Ruins of a monastery near the small town of Downpatrick. From the walls of the monastery church of the 12th century, only a small fragment has now survived. Previously, there were cells, refectory, workshops on the territory. In the 16th century, the monastery was abolished, and the buildings collapsed over time. Excavations by archaeologists have found that Celtic monks had settled on this site even before the monastery.

Carrickfergus Castle

One of the best preserved castles in Europe. Erected in 1177 on top of a hill and surrounded by the sea and rocks. This arrangement made him almost impregnable. The spring in the castle helped to survive the long sieges. The main tower of the castle has four floors. You can go upstairs along a narrow spiral staircase. The castle has been restored several times and is currently popular with tourists.

Castle Ward

Built in the 18th century on the shore of the lake. Its beauty and grandeur was appreciated by the creators of the popular TV series "Game of Thrones". Scenes were filmed in the courtyard of Ouadre Castle, which, according to the script, took place in Winterfell Castle. After that, the popularity of the castle among tourists increased even more. In architecture, gothic and classicism are bizarrely combined. The 300 hectares of the castle gardens with roses and tropical plants are laid out in a Victorian style.

Enniskillen Castle

The castle was built at the beginning of the 15th century. Its shape is a classic defensive structure - a square fortress with towers in the corners. Several times passed from the hands of the O'Donnell clan to the hands of the Maguire clan and back. It was partially destroyed during sieges and hostilities. Currently, the castle houses a museum, the expositions of which are devoted to the history of the castle, as well as the history of the royal regiments of the district.

Scrubo Tower (Newtownards)

It was erected on the hill of the same name in 1875 by the famous architect Charles Lanyon. The purpose of the tower is to perpetuate the memory of the Marquis of Londonderry Charles Steward. The tower with a sharp spire at the top is built of gray stone. It is surrounded by a park with hazel grove and green hills. Tourists who climb the 122 steps of the staircase inside the tower will be able to enjoy a beautiful view of the picturesque nature around.

Rathlin Island

Located in the Irish Sea. Access to the only village on the island is possible only by ferry, the boat trip will take about 50 minutes. The village has a hotel, a pub, a cafe and a camping area. Tourists are attracted to the island by its amazing natural beauty. Hundreds of seabirds nest on the white high cliffs. Another popular excursion is to Bruce's Cave. According to legend, King Robert the Bruce visited her in 1306.

Cuilcagh Boardwalk Trail

A winding hiking trail that leads to the observation deck of a high mountain. The charming flat landscape at the beginning of the path is replaced by a swamp. Grass shades on it vary from dull green to purple-red. For the passage through the swamp, a flooring of planks about 4 kilometers long was laid. The last section of the path follows a steep rise among the boulders. The top of the mountain offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Tollimore Forest Park

A forest park created in the 18th century. The nature of the park is picturesque and unique. It is located near the coast, the climate is mild. This made it possible to plant here plants from all over the world, for example, the Himalayan cedar. The park has two hills with a height of 250 meters. Architect Thomas Wright built several small decorative structures in the park. Several scenes of the first episode of the series "Game of Thrones" were filmed here.

Marble Arch Caves

The name means "marble arches" - because of the marble-like karst formations. The caves are about 1 million years old. They are a popular tourist attraction. A fascinating tour of the cave lasts about 1.5 hours. Paths are laid to the most spectacular places of the cave, and you can move along the underground river by boat with an electric motor.Stalactites and stalagmites shine like precious stones under the illumination.

Morne mountains

Mountain granite ridge, which is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world. It combines steep peaks and gentle slopes, rivers with clear clear water and the harsh Irish landscape. There are 28 peaks in the Morne Mountains, the highest point is Mount Slieve Donard - 850 meters. From its top, a breathtaking view of the picturesque Morloch Bay opens up. You can explore the nature of the mountains both on foot and during mountain biking.

Cave Hill Park (Belfast)

The park is named after the peak located in it - "Cave Hill". Its height is 368 meters. From the top of the hill you can see the whole city of Belfast, and in clear weather you can see a piece of Scotland. Locals nicknamed the hill "Napoleon's nose". With a good imagination and from a certain angle in the outlines of the hill, you can find a resemblance to the nose of the emperor. At the top of the hill is an Iron Age monument - Fort MacArth.


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