The most dangerous places to travel


Risk is the main companion of any tourist. Wherever you go, every unfamiliar place can be fraught with a certain threat. But among us there are often those who, without fear and a shadow of doubt, are ready to go "all bad", are in an eternal search for extreme entertainment and between two different tours they always choose the one that beckons with another portion of adrenaline. Our article is devoted to such travelers.

On our website you can read about the most dangerous and unusual airports in the world.

It turns out that our planet boasts an impressive number of dangerous places, having visited which you risk losing your health or even losing your life. Is it worth going on such a path - let's try to figure it out.

Mount Annapurna

Nepal is one of those countries that are especially popular with mountaineers and rock climbers. The most difficult to climb is the top of Annapurna, which is even compared to Everest. For the first time, the French managed to take the coveted height in the distant 1950, and since then daredevils from all over the world come to repeat this feat. But not everyone succeeds in achieving this goal, and the mountain has long become famous for the fact that a record number of people disappeared without a trace in its snow.

Despite the frightening statistics, the number of people wishing to visit the mountain is not decreasing. Still would! After all, this is a unique opportunity to see with your own eyes the most beautiful landscapes of the Himalayas, get acquainted with the unusual life of local settlers and touch the centuries-old history of Buddhist temples. What is it worth to be on the Torung La pass, which is located at a dizzying height of 5416 meters! It is from here that a divine view of the Main ridge of the majestic mountains opens up.

If you are one of those people who are ready to put everything on the line for the sake of new impressions and vivid sensations, and are seriously thinking about a trip to Nepal, know that the best time to climb the top of Annapurna is spring and autumn. Once in the local area in spring, be sure to take the time to see with your own eyes the fabulous landscape that blooming rhododendrons create.

Poisonous Ethiopia

It is hard to believe, but it is in the north of Ethiopia that there is a place that most resembles the Underworld. Tourists who have visited the desert called Danakil will forever remember it as one of the most dangerous and terrible places on our planet.

Even a few photos of this nightmare place can forever discourage many adventure seekers who travel to Ethiopia. And so that you have at least a rough impression of Danakil, for a moment imagine a huge territory, which outwardly is very similar to the surface of the Red Planet. Living conditions are completely absent here. The oxygen content is minimal and it is hardly enough not to suffocate. But the fetid gases that burst right from the ground are more than enough here. Even stones melt underfoot!

But once upon a time there could be luxurious green meadows ... Until the very moment, until the volcano woke up. It was through his efforts that the north of Ethiopia turned into an uninhabitable territory. Even today, there is a threat of a sudden "awakening" of the volcano. But this is far from the only danger! After all, the entire Ethiopian region of Afar is simply "teeming" with semi-savage representatives of the tribes, who can easily take the life of a person who finds themselves in their path for food.

Visiting the cannibals

How do you feel about cannibals, or rather their descendants? It is with their direct descendants that every daredevil can meet who dares to go to the capital of New Guinea. And don't be fooled by the warm sea, picturesque beaches and green streets of the city! As soon as you step ashore, a completely different picture will open before your eyes. It turns out that the bulk of the buildings here are slums, and the streets are littered with mountains of garbage.

The entire city is under the control of bandit formations, so being alone on the street is equivalent to a death sentence. Especially if you are white. Papuans without a twinge of conscience will commit murder for the sake of food or just to have fun. Just imagine that in the 21st century there are still similar points on the map, where there is simply no work, and the only way to make money is robberies and murders. Almost every native resident is a gangster and spends the loot on drugs, women and alcohol. According to statistics, the number of murders in Port Moresby is three times higher than the number of similar crimes in Moscow!

Journey to the Mountain of the Dead

But on the territory of Russia there are many places that are notorious. For example, the infamous Dyatlov Pass. It is located on the border of Komi and the Sverdlovsk region. It owes its name to Igor Dyatlov, who led a small expedition, which in 1959 went to conquer the local region. Under mysterious circumstances, the group disappeared, and the arriving rescuers, one by one, discovered the disfigured bodies of the travelers.

The investigation into the circumstances and causes of the tragedy was carried out at the highest level. But the truth was never established. Later, the case was classified, and the investigation was terminated on the personal order of one of the leaders of the KGB of the USSR. There is still no consensus about what happened at the pass. Among the main versions, the following were considered:
- the group made a mistake with the route and got caught in an avalanche;
- tourists found themselves in the testing area of ​​new weapons;
- travelers became victims of "Mansi hunters" or even foreign saboteurs.
The paronormal version was not discounted either.

Mendenhall Glacier Caves
Glacial caves in Alaska can be no less dangerous for tourists. Every year thousands of tourists come to look at the amazing beauty of the grottoes and gaps, the walls of which are generously inlaid with blue ice. And those who have the courage make exciting, but such dangerous walks to the bottom of the darkest caves.

Considering that the glaciers have been actively melting in recent years, then each such trip can turn into a tragedy, and every extreme person risks not seeing the sunlight anymore. But this stops few people. After all, there are many who are ready to put everything on the line for the sake of an amazing landscape of trees buried under a thickness of thousands of ice. The glacier changes its shape and even color from year to year!

Snake abode

The Brazilian island of Keimada is famous for its poisonous inhabitants. The local snakes consider themselves the rightful owners of the island. Indeed, according to scientists, up to 5 representatives of these dangerous reptiles live on each square meter of the island! And names such as cobra, mamba and botrops can speed up the heartbeat of even the most courageous people.

If you consider yourself a daredevil, and with snakes have long ago switched to "you", welcome to this corner of paradise! But is it worth risking your life for the thrill? Keimada is fraught with great danger, and an impressive number of snakes allows us to confidently call this piece of sushi a real "snake pit". For security reasons, the country's authorities have generally banned visiting the island.

What can one meeting with botrops cost! This snake is considered one of the most dangerous, and its venom causes instant tissue necrosis. A person dies in terrible agony. According to statistics, more than 100 people die annually from a snake bite of this class!

The island seems to envelop mysticism.Snakes zealously protect their possessions from intruders, gradually ousting even mammals. And how many terrifying stories the Brazilians will tell you about these lands! According to one such story, snakes attacked the house of the lighthouse keeper and killed his entire family. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully again before approaching the snake abode.

Death Valley

Another mysterious and therefore scary place is located on the territory of Kamchatka. Judging by the name, nothing good can be expected from a meeting with Death Valley. The seemingly ordinary Kikhpinych volcano aroused genuine interest among researchers back in the 30s of the last century. But few of the scientists who wanted to solve the mystery of the mysterious island managed to survive: the vast majority became victims of an unknown disease. Hallucinations, persistent headache - this is only a small part of what the researchers had to endure.

The indigenous people are convinced that not a single living creature will be able to hold out in these parts for a long time. In the last 80 years alone, Death Valley has taken more than 100 lives, never bringing humanity closer to unraveling its secrets.

Many scientists are sure that such a number of deaths are due to the presence of a huge concentration in the air of cyanogen chloride, which was used during the Second World War. This gas blocks cellular respiration, causing extensive internal hemorrhage. The amount of poison contained in the air of the valley is sufficient for a person or a large animal to die within a few minutes or one hour.

There are many other corners on our planet, acquaintance with which can cost your life. For example, not all tourists are familiar with the South Lagoon Park, which is located in Zambia. The local inhabitants - hippos - can literally be called fierce and aggressive animals. More than 200 people suffer from these huge representatives of the fauna every year! But this does not affect the number of visitors in any way.

We will try to tell about this and many other places next time. Take care of yourself and your fellow travelers, be vigilant in any corner of the world!


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