15 best excursions in Pyatigorsk


The city of Pyatigorsk is one of the cult pearls of the popular region - the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Architectural monuments and picturesque landscape parks, unique natural and man-made sights form the appearance of the oldest resort area of ​​federal significance. The healing power of mineral springs and the beauty of the surrounding mountain landscapes have been praised by many Russian writers and poets. Among them, the work of M.Yu. Lermontov, whose life and poetic destiny is inextricably linked with this city. Fascinating excursions in Pyatigorsk will provide travelers with rich and varied programs for viewing the iconic places of the Kavminvod. Under the leadership of professional guides, you can go to see the sights of the neighboring resorts of the Caucasus. Getting to know other cities will greatly enhance your stay in this amazingly beautiful region.

Climbing the five-headed Beshtau

In order to embrace the entire grandiose panorama of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, you need to climb Mount Beshtau. Tourists can conquer 1400 meters as part of an excursion group led by a professional guide. At the foot of Beshtau there is a men's monastery, on the territory of which monks are engaged in economic and educational activities.

The scenic route runs through the saddle between two mountains. The nature of these places amazes with the diversity of the flora. In the relict forests there are oaks, ash trees, beeches and hornbeams. The luxurious subalpine meadow is covered with a colorful carpet of flowers. Beshtau is famous all over the world due to the mineral springs that gush out from the mountain range.

Having reached the top, a magnificent panorama of Elbrus will open before the participants of the voyage. After a short rest with tea and fruit, the guide will lead the group to the ruins of the Scythian temple of sun worshipers. Remains of structures made of boulders of various sizes are visible on the rocky area.

Lermontov and Caucasian Mineral Waters

An erudite guide is always ready to invite tourists to take an educational walk around the iconic resort of the Stavropol Territory. The participants of the fascinating expedition will have an informative tour program. It covers an overview of historical architectural monuments, visits to unique natural attractions, as well as acquaintance with places associated with the life and work of M.Yu. Lermontov.

The journey begins at the entrance to the oldest and most beautiful city park "Flower Garden", which is one of the visiting cards of Pyatigorsk. Its territory is literally buried in blooming greenery of herbs and trees. Here are planted alleys of maples, lindens, chestnuts, pines and poplars. In the park, you can see the famous Diana's grotto, where Lermontov arranged a friendly ball a week before his death.

Of interest is the Elizabethan Gallery, famous for several important scenes in the outstanding work "A Hero of Our Time". It is impossible to pass by the legendary Proval Lake, a bright turquoise color with a characteristic scent. During the walk, the all-knowing guide will repeatedly quote significant lines from the novels, poems and memoirs of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. The group will definitely go to the gazebo called Aeolian Harp, which has been attracting curious vacationers for many decades.

A stone circular structure, consisting of eight columns, is installed at the edge of the observation deck. A breathtaking panorama of the majestic mountain ranges opens from here. The voyage will continue on Kurortny Boulevard, where the facades of old buildings of the 19th century are lined up in rows. The final chord of the four-hour journey will be the ascent to the top of Mount Mashuk. From a height of 994 meters, you will see the snow-white chain of the Caucasus Mountains, headed by the majestic Elbrus.

Jeep tour to Bermamyt - to the best views of Elbrus

An unforgettable experience will be left by a jeep trip to the Bermamyt plateau. This is an ideal natural observation deck from where a truly inspiring view of Elbrus opens up. On the way to the amazing panoramas, tourists will visit the Ring Mountain. The amazing rocky formation has a round hole through it. The accompanying person will tell an interesting legend about the prince's daughter and shepherd.

Vacationers will drive along a breathtaking road, bypassing the steep cliffs of the Berezovsky gorge, the Alatau canyon and lush alpine meadows, which amaze with a riot of colors during their flowering period. The main character of the tour is located at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level. Open to all winds, the Bermamyt plateau is an excellent observation point.

Numerous stone pillars, carved gorges and asymmetrical slopes will appear in all their glory. Here travelers will enjoy the indescribable landscapes of the towering giant Elbrus. The final stop of the jeep tour will be Honey Falls, hidden in the centuries-old crevices of the Caucasus Mountains.

A trip to small and cozy Zheleznovodsk

We recommend driving to one of the most calm and green cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters - Zheleznovodsk. The resort area is famous for the presence of a huge number of sanatoriums. People come here not so much for entertainment as for a high-quality health improvement. This is favored by mountain landscapes, forest groves and healing properties of mineral springs.

The guide will tell in detail the history of the founding of the city, as well as explain the origin of hydrotherapy procedures and the development of the resort region since the beginning of the 19th century. It will be interesting to learn about poets and writers inspired by this cozy place. While walking around Zheleznovodsk, you can see the Palace of the Emir of Bukhara with oriental architectural elements and the famous Pushkin Gallery with an abundance of glazed openings.

Tourists will see a cascade staircase descending to a color-musical fountain and fabulous sculptures. You can drink healing water from mineral springs. The landscaped park has routes through forest and flower alleys.

Jeep tour: Chegem waterfalls, El-Tyubu and Gizhgit lake

Traveling by off-road vehicle through the breathtaking natural sights of the North Caucasus guarantees excursionists a charge of positive emotions. The ten-hour trip program includes a visit to waterfalls, a mountain village and an emerald lake. On the territory of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria there are Chegem waterfalls.

Stormy streams of water break down from the picturesque sheer cliffs covered with a green carpet of plants. Here, beautiful photographs are obtained, literally saturated with the energy of the mountain ranges. Tourists are given the opportunity to see the ancient mountain village of El-Tyubu. This is the birthplace of the famous Karachai poet K. Kuliev, who colorfully sang the natural beauty of the Caucasus in his works. Cozy stone one-story houses are surrounded by majestic inaccessible rocks.

The village is famous for its mysterious "city of the dead". On a gentle slope, there are stone tombs from different historical periods. The preserved crypts date back to the X-XVII centuries. Further, the path of the group lies to the Baksan gorge, where the participants of the tour will be expected by Lake Gizhdit. An exotic turquoise reservoir was formed as a result of the construction of a man-made earth dam, which blocked the mouth of a mountain river.

Acquaintance with Essentuki

The purpose of a trip to the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters can be the cozy city of Essentuki.This picturesque settlement attracts holidaymakers with its ancient buildings, flower beds, sanatoriums and mineral springs. A walk in the park with fountains, shady alleys, sculptures, gazebos and decorative grottoes will leave pleasant impressions.

Among the monuments of architectural interest are such masterpieces as the Upper Nikolaev Baths, Mechanotherapy and the Mud Baths named after V.I. Semashko. Essentuki houses the only 20-meter high sculptural image of Jesus Christ in Russia. Sightseeing is accompanied by fascinating news about the development of the spa town. Tourists will hear stories of discoveries of mineral springs. The guide will tell you about modern Essentuki and the traditions of local residents.

Trip to Kislovodsk

The city of Kislovodsk is located in a picturesque valley surrounded on all sides by the slopes of the Caucasian ridge. Its popularity has remained unchanged for a century and a half. The resort owes its name to the source of acidic mineral water Narzan. The guide invites vacationers to get acquainted with the most significant places of the city and be enchanted by its carefree atmosphere.

The indisputable heritage of Kislovodsk is a park of 1000 hectares. On its territory, there are about 300 species of trees and shrubs. There is a flower calendar, a pond, sculptures, a valley of roses and various pavilions. The walking route covers an overview of architectural monuments, without which it is impossible to imagine the resort. These are the luxurious building of Kurzal, Chaliapin's dacha, Lermontovskaya platform, Demon's grotto. Old mansions of the 19th century have been erected on the resort boulevard.

The building of the Main Narzan Baths with quaint towers and openwork stucco deserves special attention. After walking through the city center, tourists will go to the gorge of the Olkhovka River. Green hills with rocky outcrops create a unique climatic oasis, as evidenced by a riot of vibrant vegetation. It was in this place that the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky, the literary heroes of the story "Princess Mary", took place.

Golden Ring of the Caucasus: 5 cities in 1 day

The famous resorts are famous for their many attractions. The educated native of this amazing region conducts exciting excursions. The voyage program involves acquaintance with the significant places of five cities, which combine the amazing beauty of nature with exquisite local architecture. Tourists will meet with the rich historical heritage of the KMV.

The oldest balneological resort in the region is Pyatigorsk. Numerous sanatoriums are adjacent to parks, museums and architectural monuments. Here tourists will see the Aeolian harp, Diana's grotto and Lake Proval. A considerable number of memorial sites, monuments and structures are inextricably linked with the name of M.Yu. Lermontov. It will be impossible to ignore the bronze sculpture of the "great schemer" Ostap Bender - the hero of the works of Ilf and Petrov.

In Mineralnye Vody, the guide will show you a place where a special atmosphere of spirituality has been preserved. Pilgrims from all over Russia come to the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos to bow to the relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus kept here. Cozy Zheleznovodsk is surrounded by mountains and relict forests. He meets travelers with a spa park with shady alleys.

Against the background of the lush greenery of the tree crowns, the ribbed dome of the minaret and the graceful arches of the building in the Moorish style stand out - this is the palace of the Emir of Bukhara. The Pushkin Gallery, built of iron structures and decorated with colored stained glass, rises above the forest cover of Mount Zheleznaya. This is the main attraction of Zheleznovodsk.

You will remember a walk along the streets of the irresistible resort of Essentuki, on the territory of which the largest number of mineral springs of the North Caucasus is located. The Peter and Paul Cathedral complex with the tallest sculptural image of Jesus Christ in Russia deserves attention. Sunny and cozy Kislovodsk pleases guests with comfortable streets with expressive architectural monuments. The spa park, the Colonnades, the Valley of Roses, the Narzan Gallery, the colored fountain, the October Baths - all of them in the southernmost city of KMV will appear in all their glory.

Jila-Su's Treasures: Jeep Tour

How do you like the idea of ​​going by jeep to the natural pearl of Kabardino-Balkaria - the Dzhily-Su tract? This place is famous for the abundance of healing thermal springs and majestic waterfalls. Since ancient times, people have been rushing here for healing from various ailments. Tour participants will visit the elevated treeless Shijatmaz plateau. From a height of 2,100 meters, a panorama of the Caucasian ridge and the snow-white cap of Elbrus opens.

One of the stops on the route will be Mount Tuzluk, which looks like a regular pyramid. The guide will tell you fascinatingly what versions of the origin of the mountain exist, and what information is kept by the altars found nearby. A narrow, winding road runs through gorges and mountain ranges. Having reached the Dzhily-SU tract, sightseers will have the opportunity to enjoy their rest among the mesmerizing natural landscapes.

This is favored by sheer cliffs, mountain streams, magnificent waterfalls, dense forests, as well as giant stone sculptures created by nature from solidified volcanic lava. It will be interesting to taste siliceous, iron and mountain water. Around the springs, small baths are built of stones, in which you can swim.

Chegem gorge by off-road vehicle

A trip to the mesmerizing Chegem gorge will keep vivid impressions in your memory for many years. Tourists will have the opportunity to see the iconic places of the unique natural formation, as well as hear a lot of legends and stories about the Balkar people. The winding and deep gorge is cut by the bed of the turbulent mountain river Chegem. The majestic gray masses of rocks form a narrow gorge, the width of which does not exceed 20 meters. The greenery of trees and shrubs gives a special flavor to the gorge.

There are beech and hornbeam forests, birches, pines, wild fruit orchards. Beautiful waterfalls burst out of the holes of the mighty stone walls, showering everything around with cool splashes. The program of the expedition includes a visit to the ancient village of Eltyube, inspection of abandoned tourist centers. The all-terrain jeep will take tourists to the Shaurtu Ice Cave.

Treasures of Kabardino-Balkaria: Jeep Tour

The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is one of the most picturesque corners of Russia. Travelers are invited to touch the amazing natural beauty of the mountainous region, climb to the peaks and passes, enjoy waterfalls and lakes, and also recharge with the power of healing mineral water.

With great curiosity and interest, vacationers will take a visit to the group of Blue Lakes of karst origin. They are surrounded by rocks, alpine meadows and dense woodlands. The crystal clear waters take on different shades depending on the season. The depth of one of the lakes reaches more than 300 meters.

In the Cherek Gorge, on both banks of the river, there is the village of Upper Balkaria with a defensive tower, ancient crypts and ruins of stone structures. Further, excursionists will meet with the unique world of wild nature in the Ushtulu tract. At an altitude of 2500 meters, rhododendrons bloom and herds of rounds, yaks and deer graze. There are several sources of mineral water in the tract.

Kanzhol plateau, Shadhurei lakes and Gedmishkh waterfall

We go on a jeep tour to the exciting places of the Elbrus region. The tour organizer conducts a rich program, the route of which will exceed all expectations.Magnificent views of Elbrus and the mountain ranges of the Caucasian Mineral Waters open from the Kanzhol plateau, where the first stop of excursionists will take place. The distance to the famous majestic giant with a snow-capped peak is only ten kilometers in a straight line.

The sheer walls of Kanjol drop down several hundred meters. The guide will tell you the historical facts that explain the name of the local corner - Bloody Road. After admiring the views from the plateau, the tour participants will go to the karst lakes of Shadhurei. The reservoirs are distinguished by strikingly clear and icy water. The hilly shores of the lakes are covered with dense forest.

Further, the path runs along the river along an inaccessible narrow road with sharp precipices. It will lead you to the Gedmishh waterfall. Many jets cascade down from a height of 60 meters. The rocks, smooth from polishing by water streams, are covered with multi-colored moss. At the end of the trip, the guide will take passengers for lunch at one of the proven establishments that serve khychins and other dishes of traditional Caucasian cuisine.

Dombay hidden in the gorges

A popular saying says: "Those who have not been to Dombai have not seen the Caucasus." This is a popular sports and health center where you can go skiing and enjoy the beauty of the untamed nature of the high-mountain village. The ancient road of the Great Silk Road leads to this marvelous land. A modern funicular system will take travelers to an altitude of 3,050 meters.

Dombay is located on the alpine meadow of the same name, surrounded by mountain ranges. This is the center of the tourist complex with a developed infrastructure. Rough rivers, coniferous forests, snow-capped peaks, narrow gorges and eternal glaciers will open up to those who go with a guide to conquer the pearl of the Caucasus.

Paragliding and poetry of the Chegem gorge

Loving his native land, the guide invites tourists to admire the mountain landscapes, breathe in the fresh coniferous air, listen to the sound of waterfalls during an unforgettable paragliding flight. The picturesque roads of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria will lead to the mesmerizing Chegem Gorge. On one side of the narrow gorge, powerful rocks hang, on the other side of the canyon, the Chegem River rushes in a stormy stream. The waterfalls of the gorge deserve special attention.

Thin jets and wide strips of crystal water fall from a height of 60-70 meters. Coming out of the comfortable camping, sightseers can enjoy a walking tour of the gorge. Silence reigns around, majestic mountain ranges covered with dense forests rise. Descent on a zipline or paragliding will bring extraordinary pleasure. This way of extreme recreation will allow you to appreciate the beauty of mountain landscapes.

Sofia waterfalls: a trip to Karachay-Cherkessia

Travelers are recommended to go on an excursion from Pyatigorsk to Karachay-Cherkessia with a guide. A fascinating tour involves a walk among centuries-old fir trees, acquaintance with the traditions and culture of the local residents of the republic, as well as visiting the amazing Sofia waterfalls. It will be interesting to see the natural resources of the region and learn historical information about the Great Silk Road.

The route runs past the scientific objects of the astrophysical observatory. In the village of Nizhniy Arkhyz you can see the rock face of Jesus Christ. A metal staircase leading up the steep slope leads to the miraculous image. During the ascent, the members of the expedition will discover the legend about the origin of the rock icon. Orthodox pilgrims come here to find salvation in the sight of the Lord. The culmination of the tour will be a visit to the glacial waterfalls of Arkhyz.

On the way to the natural attraction, the Sofia Valley with velvet emerald slopes will appear in all its glory. From the tops of the mountain ranges, stormy streams of water fall, striking in their power and majesty. They crash against huge boulders with such force that it will take your breath away. On the Taulu glade, through which the path lies, you can see the confluence of the Psyzh and Sofia rivers.


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